Salford City Swimming & Water Polo Club
Issues of responsibility Teaching/Coaching is a deliberately undertaken responsibility, and sports Teacher/Coaches are responsible for the observation of the principles embodied in the Code of Ethics.
Teacher/Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being and their ultimate right to self-determination. Specifically, Teacher/Coaches must treat everyone equally within the context of their activity, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion, disability or political persuasion. Relationships
The good Teacher/Coach will be concerned primarily with the well being, health and future of the individual performer and only secondary with the optimisation of performance. A key element in a teacher/coach relationship is the development of independence. Performers must be encourage to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance in training, in competition, and in their social life. Teachers/Coachers are responsible for setting and monitoring the boundaries between a working relationship and friendship with their performers. This is particularly important when the coach and performer are of opposite sex and/or when the performer is a young person. The Teacher/Coach must realise that certain situations or friendly actions could be misinterpreted, not only by the performer, but by outsiders motivated by jealousy, dislike or mistrust and could lead to allegations of sexual misconduct or impropriety. The relationship between coach and performer relies heavily on mutual trust and respect. In detail this means that the performer should be aware of the Teachers/Coaches qualifications and experience and must be given the opportunity to consent to or decline proposals for training and performance.
Teachers/Coaches should clarify in advance with performers and/or employer the number of sessions, fees (if any) and method of payment. They should also explore with performers and/or employers the expectation of the outcome of teaching/coaching. Teachers/Coaches have a responsibility to declare to their performers and/or employer any other current teaching/coaching commitments. Teachers/Coaches should also find out if any prospective client is currently receiving guidance from another Teacher/Coach. If so, that teacher/coach should be contacted to discuss the situation. Teachers/Coaches who become aware of a conflict between their obligation to their performers and their obligation to their Governing Body or other organisation employing them must make explicit the nature of conflict, and the loyalties and responsibilities involved, to all parties concerned.
Teachers/Coaches should communicate and co-operate with other sports and allied professions in the best interest of their performers. An example of such contact would be the seeking of educational and career advice/counselling for young performers whose training impinges upon the performance of their studies. Teachers/Coaches must communicate and co-operate with medical and ancillary practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and management of their performers’ medical and psychological problems.
Advertising by sports teacher/coaches in respect of qualification and/or services shall be accurate and professional restrained. Teachers/Coaches shall not display any affiliation with an organisation in a manner that falsely implies sponsorship or accreditation by that organisation.
Teachers/Coaches inevitably gather a great deal of personal information about performers in the course of a working relationship. Teacher/Coach and performers must reach agreement as to what is regarded as confidential information, i.e. not divulging to a third party without the express approval of the performer. Confidentiality does not preclude the disclosure of information, to persons who can be judged to have a ‘right to know’, relating to performers when relevant to the following: • evaluation of the performer within the sport for competitive selection purposes and recommendations concerning performers for professional purposes;
• pursuit of disciplinary action involving performers within the sport;
• pursuit of disciplinary action by Swim England involving fellow coaches in alleged breaches of this Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Abuse of Privilege
The Teacher/Coach is privileged, on occasion to have contact with performers and to travel and reside with performer in the course of teaching/coaching and competitive practice. Consequently, a Teacher/Coach must not attempt to exert undue influence over the performer in order to obtain personal benefit or reward.
Personal Standards
The Teacher/Coach must consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of their sport and of teaching/coaching – to performers, other teachers/coaches, officials, spectators, the media and the general public. Personal appearance is a matter of individual taste but the sports teacher/coach has an obligation to project an image of health, cleanliness and functional efficiency. The Teacher/Coach should never smoke when teaching/coaching. Teachers/Coaches should not drink alcohol so soon before teaching/coaching that their judgement may be impaired and the smell will still be on their breath when working with performers.
Teachers/Coaches have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the performers with whom they work as far as possible within the limits of their control. All reasonable steps should be taken to establish a safe working environment. The work done and the manner in which it is done should be in keeping with regular and approved practice within that sport. The activity being undertaken should be suitable for the age, experience and ability of the performers. Performers should have been systematically prepared for the activity being undertaken and made aware of their personal responsibilities in terms of safety.
Issues of Competence
Teachers/Coaches shall confine themselves to practice in those fields of sport in which they have been trained/educated, and which are recognised by the Swim England as being valid. Valid areas of expertise are those directly concerned with sports coaching. Training includes the accumulation of knowledge and skills through both formal Teacher/Coach education courses and by experience at a level of competence acceptable for independent teaching/coaching practice. Teachers/Coaches must be able to recognise and accept when to refer performers to other agencies. It is the responsibility of the Teacher/Coach as far as possible, to verify the competence and integrity of the person to whom they refer a performer. Teachers/Coaches should regularly seek ways of increasing their professional development and self-awareness. Teachers/Coaches should welcome evaluation of their work by colleague and be able to account to performers, employers, Governing Bodies and colleagues for their actions. Teachers/Coaches have a responsibility to themselves and their performers to maintain their own effectiveness, resilience and abilities, and to know when their personal resources are so depleted as to make it necessary for them to seek help and/or withdraw from teaching/coaching whether temporarily or permanently.
Violations of this Code
An alleged breach of this Code shall be grounds for making a complaint under Swim England Laws. This is a formal expression of dissatisfaction with the actions of behaviour of clubs, bodies, organisations or individuals or with alleged unfair practice in connection with the sport and will be dealt with by a Judicial Tribunal. The procedures for making a complaint are set out in the Swim England Judicial Laws which are reproduced in the current edition of Laws of the Sport and the Swim England Handbook. Any complaint relating to matter contained in this Code may be referred by the Chairman of the District Judicial Tribunal to an independent investigator to be appointed by the Swim England. The terms of reference shall be set by Swim England. Dependent upon the outcome of the investigation the Chairman of the DJT may direct that the matter may not proceed as a complaint under the Swim England judicial system. In such a situation the Chief Executive may authorise such other action for instance the offering of guidance of education support or the issue of a warning as to future conduct, as may be appropriate in the circumstances. Thereafter dependant upon the outcome of such other action the Chief Executive may refer the matter back to the Chairman of DJT for reconsideration as to whether the matter may proceed as a complaint. The Swim England Child Protection Officer shall have the power in exceptional circumstances to commence or take over conduct of any complaint made in respect of any breach of any of the provisions of this Code. Team Staff Appointments Policy; The policy Swim England is as follows: Where one athlete aged below eighteen years of age is travelling they must be accompanied by one member o staff and parental consent obtained with regard to the identity of the staff member. Where there are two or more athletes travelling there must be a minimum of two members of staff accompanying the athletes. Where the group of athletes are of mixed sex, there must be staff members of each sex.
This Code is an extension to the Swim England Code of Ethics. Both should be followed. The Teacher / Coach must:
• Put the well-being, health and safety of members above all considerations including developing performance.
• At all times adhere to the Swim England Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations.
• At all times adhere to Wavepower the NSPCC/ Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
• At all times adhere to the Swim England Equality Policy.
• Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
• Treat all swimmers with respect and dignity, value their worth and treat everyone equally, recognising their needs and abilities within the context of their sport.
• Develop an appropriate working relationship with swimmers based on mutual trust and respect.
• Always place the well-being, health and safety of swimmers above all other considerations including developing performance.
• Always ensure that all teaching, coaching and competition programmes are appropriate for the age, ability and experience of the individual swimmer.
• Always identify and meet the needs of the individual swimmer as well the needs of the team / squad.
• Be fair and equal in team and training squad selection.
• Never exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward. In particular, coaches must not use their position to establish or pursue a sexual or improper relationship with an athlete or someone close to them.
• Encourage and guide swimmers to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance. • Continue to seek and maintain their own professional development in all areas in relation to coaching and teaching children.
• Treat all information of a personal nature about individual swimmers as confidential, except in circumstances where to do so will allow the child to be placed at risk of harm or continue to be at risk of harm.
• Encourage all swimmers to obey the spirit of the rules and regulations both in and out of the pool. • Co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches, officials, sport scientists, doctors, and physiotherapists) in the best interests of the swimmer.
• Never encourage or condone swimmers, volunteers, officials or parents to violate the rules of the club or the sport and report any violations appropriately.
• Observe the authority and the decision of the officials and only question those decisions in the appropriate manner. • Treat all competitors and other club teams with respect, whether that is in victory or defeat and encourage all team members and fellow club members to do the same.
• Refer all concerns of a child safeguarding nature in line with the procedures detailed in Wavepower 2020-2023.
Signed: Gina Norman
Club Secretary
reviewed June 12 2020
To be reviewed June 2023
Collection and use of your information
About us. Salford City Swimming & Water Polo Club is a constituent member of Swim England. Salford City Swimming & Water Polo Club hold the details provided on your membership form with other information it holds or obtains from or about you and will use this for the following purposes: for maintaining records to respond to any enquiries you make to administer any events in which you participate or may wish to participate and to deal with any incidents involving you to create an individual profile for you so that we can understand and respect your preferences to create anonymised aggregated information about members and swimmers to enable us to secure funding and to contact you about swimming galas and events either by post, email, online or phone.
Recording images.
Salford City Swimming & Water Polo Club uses photography and/or video recordings within the swimming pool setting to be used in the promotion of the club only with the consent of parents or members. The use of recordings and images is prohibited by members or their parents during training sessions or galas unless permissions have be granted beforehand. On occasion by prior committee and parent permission, photography is permitted of a presentation upon poolside. These with owners permission may be used for the purposes of promotion.
Other uses. Where your information may be used for additional purposes, such as medical information, you will be provided with further details of how your information will be used at the relevant time.
Disclosure of your information.
Details of your achievements in events will be included on the British Swimming website(s) and these will be available to the general public. If you do not want your details to be visible in this way you can block them by registering via the Home Country Membership Check webpage and selecting the ‘hide’ option, by ticking the appropriate tick box at the end of this form, or by contacting the Swim England Rankings department with your request to hide your details.
Caution If you hide your details they will not be visible on the Rankings Database which may affect your ability to enter events. Event organisers may in these cases require proof of age and/or of eligibility to enter and you should contact the particular organiser to check. Regions, Sub-Regions, County Associations.
Salford City Swimming & Water Polo Club may publish gala details on our website and if you wish to hide this information you should contact us directly.
Data use outside of the EU
If you apply for or take part in an event that takes place outside the European Union, your information will be disclosed to the relevant event organiser(s) in the host nation. These nations may not have laws as stringent as ours to protect your personal data. Images. Images may be disclosed to those Regions, Sub-Regions, County Associations and Clubs for which you are a member for swimmer selection purposes. They may also be disclosed to the media for promoting swimming and the reporting of events. As constituent members of British Swimming will be able to view your information for swimming administration purposes only. Doping Control.
If you enter swimming competitions, you may be subject to doping control as part of Swim England commitment to a drug free sport. At the time of sample collection, your personal data will be collected by UK Sport which undertakes the testing and administers the programme. You should see the data protection notice for UK Sport for details of how your information will be used
Signed Gina Norman
Club Secretary
Reviewed June 12 2020
To be reviewed 2023
© 2016 Salford City Swimming & Water Polo Club. All rights reserved. Created by Gina Norman